Stream Nation
users in the US, UK, and elsewhere now have access to private video sharing that has no limit to the file size or length of video clip streamed to another browser, quite unlike Dropbox and Flickr Pro.

Cloud storage platforms have vast differences in their specializations and Stream Nation focuses on private video streaming. Jonathan Benassaya, the service founder and co-founder of Deezer, says the concept was born out of the desire to share vacation videos with his family.

The only hold-ups expected are that an uploader application has to be installed for storage of the photos and videos unless they are being brought over from Dropbox or another web platform. You may find this process a bit slow as a 90MB clip grabbed from Dropbox may take up to 20 minutes to be encoded. Also, videos can only be shared with registered Stream Nation users. Furthermore, anything exceeding 2GB has a price that can only be avoided when you stoop low enough to invite all your Google contacts, in which case you get a bonus 8GB.

So this may not be exactly what someone who needs unlimited space might want, but it can come in handy if your family and friends are savvy enough to know how to respond to a Dropbox link.

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