Buying a smartphone is more difficult than it seems. Often, after you do finally purchase it, you feel like you didn’t take the best. And even if it is not so complicated it’s still a frustrating process. The guys at Business Intelligence did a survey in which they asked buyers what are they taking into account when buying a phone.

On the 5th place came out that many of those who want to buy a new smartphone think of how difficult it’s for them to move the context from one phone to another – all the messages, pictures, calendar, settings, accounts, says one of the authors of the survey.

He added that for doing this you need to consider the phones you use for transfer, and if you’re still in this chapter, you’d better get something to eat as it will take a while until you’ll succeed. So if you want to know more … Google it.

In the 4th place in the top things to keep in mind is the mobile operator. This rule is valid in any country, a telephone buyer, especially when buying the phone under subscription, has to choose the operator depending on family and friends.

The selection of applications is also a priority for consumers, so it is considered "worthy" of a 3rd place. That’s because our phone is so smart depending on how many applications we put on it. But do not forget that the Internet, which all the smart phones can access it, is the ultimate application.

The phone features are a very important element to be considered by customers. Slider or not, battery lifetime, screen size, storage capacity or Flash support – all these are factors which consumers take into account. The leaders of this survey warn not to fall into the trap of the camera. It does not matter how many megapixels the camera has, so think efficient.

The most important thing to consider is the platform. For the most of those surveyed it matters if the phone is running on Android, Windows Phone, Web OS, iOS – basically, the operating system dictates, in many cases, what is the best phone. The way icons are placed, how you interact with it matters a lot, because if you do not like, then you bought the phone for nothing.

In the survey I mentioned above, surprisingly, price was not one of the most important characteristics that consumers take into account when buying a smartphone.

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