Call for an affordable live switching application by Geek Brief star Cali Lewis answered by Vidblaster

Geek Brief star Cali Lewis’ request for someone to come up with an affordable live switching application that would work with services like and Stickam has been answered.
After making the call a few weeks ago, the Geek Brief team began working with Mike Versteeg, the developer of Vidblaster.
Lewis wanted a lower-cost live switching application for the growing network of video-podcasters streaming out near-professional HDTV quality live shows.
She said there were analogue solutions but they cost over US$1,000, while the best options were priced at US$9,000 or more.

These are beyond the price range of the new generation of low-budget producers – everyone from churches, city councils and community groups to individual bloggers.
Now on her latest webcast, Lewis said Versteeg had worked on the Vidblaster software to add “functionality” and make it work with streaming services.
“There’s a growing need in the market for this application, and Mike is now offering it at an affordable price so churches, community groups, schools, and individuals can have access to software that gives us all a live TV studio at our fingertips,” she said.

Lewis explained that when the call was put out, Vidblaster did not work with any of the streaming services.
But after introducing Versteeg to one of the founders of that “barrier” was addressed.
“Now we have an actual software application that any church, community group or school can afford,” she said. “So they can start broadcasting to the world at a very low entry cost.
“Now you are able to do something for less than US$400 that previously would have cost someone a couple of grand at best.”

As well as adapting VidBlaster so it can be used with streaming services like Ustream.TV, Versteeg has added various new functions:
– single key camera switching
– cueing up of video, audio or still images for use on live streams
– graphic and text overlay

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